Dano Jukanovich

For the last ten years, I’ve served as Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Karisimbi Business Partners, one of the leading social impact consulting and private equity firms in East Africa. I’m a 1993 West Point graduate, Army Ranger and have a MBA from Wharton and Masters in China Studies from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. In the last few years, I’ve developed and conducted week-long leadership training seminars in China. I also have a schedule that allows me to spend a significant amount of time caring for my 6, 9 and 13 year-olds, and supporting my wife in a stressful and high-profile job. 

My career has ranged from advising senior executives as Director of Finance for AT&T Wireless to owning and operating a family business carrying the weight of employee livelihoods and tens of millions of dollars in business assets and liabilities. After graduating at the top of my class with a Degree in Economics from West Point, I served in the US Army as a Senior Intelligence Officer. A quarter of my adult life has been spent outside the US, living in Korea, East Africa and China. I have served on the Board of Teachers Training Teachers in Haiti, and the Board of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church. I live with my wife and three children on a small farm in Wenham, MA, our haven from which I travel several times each year to Africa and China.

I’m not a writer by trade, but I’ve spent a lot of my life thinking about human flourishing, developing character and changing the world. I’ve written about the subjects presented here because I’ve wondered to myself over the years if these weren’t some of the paths to travel in order to change the world. What I’ve concluded is that they are, along with myriad others. These are just the contexts in which we form the characters of those with whom we interact. Changing the world is just that simple.

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